Music Director – Aldis Sils
President – Ian Brown
Vice President – Helen Yakovleff
Secretary – Vacant
Treasurer – David Rapkin
Assistant Treasurer – Rick Shortridge
Librarian – Nick Carroll
Concert Manager – Suzanne Kovacs
Publicity Coordinator – Vacant
Fundraising Coordinator - Gurney Khera
Contact the Committee Contact >
Voice Reps
Soprano – Rosemary Bonner
Alto – Michelle Lai
Tenor – Judy Szekeres
Bass – Chris Davies
Rehearsal schedule and choir member absence
REHEARSAL SCHEDULE 2024: To view please Click link>
Absence - choir members only: To send a message to the Vice President regarding absence from choir rehearsals, please click here.
Membership and Auditions
A person seeking Chorister membership of the Chorus must apply through the President via the Chorus website ( to arrange an audition with the Musical Director. See section 2.2.2 of the Rules of the Adelaide Philharmonia Chorus Inc.
Please Note: Next auditions will be held in the evening of Tuesday 7 May 2024 6.30pm - 7.30pm. If you are interested in joining the choir please contact the Vice President to arrange an audition. Please click here>
The Musical Director will assess the following at the audition:
· Voice quality
· Intonation
· Blending
In order to assess the above the audition process will be agreed by the Committee based on the Musical Director’s recommendation. Audition process includes
· A short song
· Individual to demonstrate their voice range
· Individual will be tested on determining middle notes.
The Musical Director will forward the results of the audition to the President & Vice President, who will accept or reject the signed application. The Vice-President then informs the applicant of the results in accordance with section 2.2.2 of the Rules of Adelaide Philharmonia Chorus Inc
A successful applicant will be admitted to the Chorus on payment of the relevant annual membership fee.
Membership will be provisional for the first six months.
If a member is absent for more that 12 months or becomes un-financial, he/she will be required to pass another audition to rejoin the Chorus.
Singing with Adelaide Philharmonia Chorus requires commitment. Choristers are asked to commit to 80% of the year’s activities. Regular attendance at rehearsals is expected, with Chorus members required to attend at least 75% of rehearsals for each concert. The final three rehearsals prior to a performance are compulsory. The Musical Director retains the right to exclude from a concert performance anyone who does not meet these criteria.
Choristers will be re-auditioned every two to three years by the Musical Director.
Rehearsals are held on Tuesday from 7.15pm to 9.15pm at Cynthia Poulton Hall, St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide. The Committee has the authority to vary the rehearsals date and time as and if required.
Parking is available in the Cathedral grounds if you are early enough, or in nearby streets.
Regular attendance at rehearsals is expected. If unable to attend, Choristers are required to contact their Voice Representative prior to rehearsal. If Choristers are unable to contact their Rep, a member of the Committee should be contacted.
Extended absences are discussed with the Musical Director, and formal leave sought in writing through the website from the President/Vice President.
Non-financial choristers cannot sing in concerts and will not be issued with scores.
Any changes to personal details, such as address, e-mail, etc must be notified as soon as possible to the Vice President via the website.
Scores are provided for the use of financial members of the Chorus who are responsible for taking care of scores allocated to them.
Only soft (preferably 2B) pencil markings are to be made on scores. All markings must be erased before scores are returned.
All scores must be returned by the date announced by the Librarian or other Committee Member. Alternative arrangements in exceptional circumstances can be made by negotiation with the Librarian.
Choristers who return scores after the due date will be charged a Late Return Fee of $7.00. The Chorus is charged a fee each time its storage facility is accessed so scores will be returned at one time only.
Choristers will be charged a replacement fee for any lost scores.
All scores (originals or photocopies) from the Chorus Library remain the property of the Chorus and must be returned in good order and condition after prescribed rehearsals or concerts. The making of unauthorised photocopies is prohibited.
If choristers make a small score larger for easier reading, those copies must also be returned to the Librarian.
2024 membership fees:
Normal membership (inc. GST) $340.00
Concession membership (inc. GST) $290.00
Full time student membership (inc. GST) $100.00
Fees (Rules 2.3)
Membership of the Chorus incurs an annual fee as set out in the attached Schedule.
Concession Membership is applicable for choristers on production of a valid Centrelink card. Holders of Seniors Cards do not qualify for a concession.
Students seeking a concession must produce a current Student ID Card and make arrangements with the Treasurer.
Student Scholarship may be awarded to a student.
Any chorister seeking a variation to their fees must apply in writing to the committee. Verbal applications will not be accepted.
Annual fees confirm membership of the Chorus and are due on or before 1 January (Rules 2.3.4).
New members who are admitted after 30 June may qualify for a pro rata membership at the discretion of the committee (Rule 2.3)
Concert Policy
Concert Attire: For most performances the following dress code applies:
Women: Ankle length black skirts (splits no higher than the knee) or long pants with a black long or ¾ sleeved blouse/shirt/jacket, black closed shoes (NO sandals) and black stockings. A small touch of plain gold or silver jewellery can be worn to add some relief to the black.
Men: Black trousers, black long sleeved shirt, black shoes and black socks. No tie.
If the dress is to be varied for a particular concert Choristers will be advised.
Folders: All music must be placed in an APC black folder for performances. Folders can be purchased from the Secretary.
Perfume: Perfume or strongly scented toiletries are not to be worn at rehearsals and performances as this can cause allergic irritation to some Chorus members.
When we perform we are in full view and hearing of the audience. The Concert Manager will give specific directions to follow, according to where we perform, before each performance.
Visiting Choristers
A status of Visiting Chorister may be granted at the Musical Director's discretion, with approval from the President.
The following applies:
• A Visitor Fee is paid prior to or at the first rehearsal. The fee will be decided by the committee for the concert.
• The Visiting Chorister attends all required rehearsals and concert/s as agreed with the Musical Director and President.
• The Visiting Chorister is permitted to be involved with the Chorus only once in any calendar year. Should the Visitor request or be approved for a second time within three years of the first arrangement, the Chorister must then be admitted as a full member of the Chorus and be required to comply with all Chorus Rules. The Visitor is required to audition as a new member, unless the Musical Director determines that this is not necessary.
From time to time the Committee may agree to call for additional singers for a one-off performance. Singers who meet performance requirements will be charged a Fee.
Email and Social Media
The Rules of the Association 2.6.1 state “The Committee shall establish and maintain a register of members, showing the contact details of each person who is a member.”
The Committee’s policy is that this register is confidential, except to Committee members and relevant Voice Representative for the duration of their tenure as a means of checking attendance, for advising of rehearsal changes, and for contacting Members in their voice part. Details of the register will not be given to any other person.
Additionally, Chorus members, Life Members, Associate Members and Supporters supply their email addresses for information and as a means of communication about Chorus matters.
The Committee maintains the right to refuse a request by any person to email or mail information or material to Chorus members or supporters.
Users* of the choir Facebook page are bound by the following House Rules:
• Any text, images, videos or sound uploaded by a contributor is taken to be the contributor’s own creation or legally available for them to use
• Where a contributor is publishing video or audio from other sources, or linking to other people, that contributor must have obtained consent to publish or link
• No material or comments that are defamatory, infringe the rights of others, or are misleading should be posted
• Any postings by contributors can be re-used by the organisation in any other forum
• The organisation is not responsible for contributors’ posts, and
• The organisation has a right to delete any content or posts which it believes to be:
> false, misleading or deceptive
> an infringement of copyright, moral rights or trade mark rights
> contrary to the intentions, purposes or values of the organisation Facebook and your organisation
> defamatory or offensive, or
> that contains confidential information.
* “Users” includes those who use, ‘like’ or contribute to the Facebook page.